International Students living in New Zealand temporarily can support themselves by working part- time jobs like :
  • Data-entry work
  • Translation assignments
  • Attendant in super-markets
  • Attendant in small restaurants
  •  On-campus opportunities to work in the campus library, laboratory, etc.
You must know about the 3 types of wages that you are eligible for to receive in New Zealand.
  • Adult minimum wage that averages around $16.50/hour before tax.
  •  Starting-out minimum wage that averages around $13.20/hour before tax.
  • Training minimum wage that averages around $13.20/hour before tax. Wages will be taxed; every student needs to apply for and secure an IRD (Inland Revenue Department) Number before they can start working.

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Putali Sadak, Kathmandu, T: 014423103

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Damak, Jhapa, T: 023 586007/ 582009

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